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Raw Food Marathon Day Seventy Seven
10km Race
A comedy of errors today; after getting somewhat lost trying to find the school where the race was being held (darkness and only signs in Thai!), I arrived just in time to see the 21km start :-(
Still I managed to sign up for the 10km race instead and was told it was a 6:15 start. By the time I'd been to the toilet, and had done just 2 minutes warming up, the race started at 6:05! All my pacing plans were geared towards a ~1:35 half marathon.
The weather was reasonable, Heat Index was at 87F/30C.
I set off a steady 6:42/6:43 pace (I had calculated in my head 6:45 min/miles), but it soon became apparent that was a little bit fast, I backed off aiming for just under 7 min/miles (actually went over). The 5th mile was tough, but I knew I had reserves to finish well. The finish crept up on me a bit earlier than I thought (5.97 miles instead of 6.21), but I managed a good sprint finish, passing five runners in the last 200m. top speed ~14mph.
The dropped heart rate and speed at the end is where I failed to turn off the Garmin 405! I didn't notice the auto-pause/resume triggering (added 20 secs, but ~zero distance).
My time for the distance predicts a half marathon of 1:35:30 and a marathon of 3:21:19.
Full details can be found here.
I fly back to the UK at the end of this week (via Samui where I hope to get a jungle and long run in).
My next race is the Crowborough 10km. Sub 42mins here I come!!!
Raw Food consumed today:
Breakfast - 3 large bananas, 100g pak choi, 100g kale, bunch parsley, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 young coconut water, 2 heaped teaspoons Vitamineral Green powder, 3 heaped teaspoons Yaoh Hemp protein powder
Lunch - 3 large passion fruit, 2 tangerines, 3 large organic bananas, handful organic sultanas
Evening Meal - 2 large 'beef' tomatoes, 1 mixed salad, 1 organic cucumber, 2 spring onions
Snacks - 1.25kg watermelon
Cooked Food consumed today:
Breakfast -
Lunch -
Evening Meal -
Snacks - 1 oolong tea, 1 peppermint tea
Training/Exercise today:
Run - 6 miles
Bike -
Gym -
Yoga -
Swim -
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