Raw Runner is a website all about running and the raw food diet.
Running for health & fitness on a diet of predominately Raw Food.
It also aims to promote discussion and debate around the use of raw food to aid the endurance athlete's performance.
Raw Runner isn't the fastest or the slowest runner, the purpose of this website is to provide information about raw food and running and help other raw runners.
Read my raw food diet and running training Blog. Read about my journey to raw food and endurance running.
Whether you run or jog, there are so many answers to the question of why run?
Some run simply for the pleasure of it, others for improved health, weight loss, relaxation from stress or general fitness.
Running also happens to be one of the essential core fitness components of many sporting activities. It requires no special skills or equipment and is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide.
Eat cooked food and you are literally eating dead food. There's an old saying "you are what you eat", do you want to be alive or dead?!
Nearly all living creatures on this planet eat raw food. The question should not be why raw - it should be why cooked?
The raw food diet & active lifestyle really works. The journey from an over weight, cooked food, alcoholic has been relatively easy. Read about it here & here.
Rawrunner lives in Sussex and is training for the Brighton 1/2M.
Please help support my raw running and spread the word :-)
Copyright? 2004-2013 www.rawrunner.co.uk All rights Reserved