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Raw Food Blog .
I started mentoring Ray Martin today, who has entered the New York Marathon.
Ray is 50 next year and he has set himself two targets:
The first is going to relatively easy to achieve albeit after a lot of hard work, sweat, tears and mileage ...
The second goal is feasible, Ray is pretty fit from all the recent trekking and travelling and isn't carry much excess weight.
Over the next two weeks we're going to slowly build up the mileage, and then start a structured 10 week endurance base building schedule before beginning a 16 week marathon specific training programme, based on FIRST.
During those 10 weeks we will have taken part in two races, Phuket 10k and Pattaya 10k or 1/2 marathon.
The latter race should give Ray a good idea of what realistic marathon goal race pace to train for.
I have entered the ballot for the New York marathon, although my marathon target later on this year is going to be Bangkok on the 22nd November.
This morning was a gentle jog for me (sorry Ray!), no time to put in further mileage (had to get the children ready to go back to school), so I'm going to fit in a 10k this evening :-)
I've restarted my food diary. No doubt it will be sporadicly updated over the next few months, but I will endeavour to keep it up to date during the marathon specific training period.
Raw Food consumed today:
Breakfast - 2.5kg watermelon (yellow inside)
Lunch - Lettuce, tomatoes, parsley, carrots & beetroot
Evening Meal - green salad, tomatoes & cucumber
Snacks - 4.5 Nam Dok Mai mangoes (It's mango season in Thailand April-June)
Cooked Food consumed today:
Breakfast -
Lunch -
Evening Meal - dahl :-( idiot!
Snacks - 2 cups of pu-erh tea
Training/Exercise today:
Run - 2.5 mile jog, babysitting so I couldn't get my evening run in :-(
Bike -
Gym -
Yoga -
Swim -
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