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Where did September go?


I've been really busy again last month.


Here's a selection of some of my runs, plenty of gym/treadmill work in between.


9 miles

7 miles (with Ray - poor chap has picked up an injury 4 weeks before NYC marathon, fingers crossed he recovers in time)

7 miles (tempo/race)

10 miles


The lack of training and increasing frequency of cooked food (approx one in every six meals) is taking its toll (I've put on about 4kg).

100% raw day today and tomorrow ahead of the Bangkok Midnight Run is just the ticket :-)

The Bangkok marathon itself is 6 weeks away. I'm going to build my mileage up to 18 and see if i can wing it!

At least I have plenty of time to train for the Chiang Mai Marathon on the 27th December.


I found out last week I didn't get into the London marathon (ballot).

Looking at charity options now ...


The likely charity, if they will let a weirdo raw runner, living in Thailand, run for them, is CLIC Sargent

A charity which cares for children with cancer.


Raw Food consumed today:


Breakfast - 1/2 watermelon (shared with Evi)

Lunch -

Evening Meal -

Snacks -Green Juice; 800ml of 400g of pak choi, 2 cucumbers, 3 inches of ginger, 2 green apples, 1lime


Cooked Food consumed today:


Breakfast -

Lunch -

Evening Meal -

Snacks - 1 cup oolong tea


Training/Exercise today:


Run -

Bike -

Gym -

Yoga -

Swim -

Plyometrics -



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