Raw Food Diet and Running

Wednesday March 26th 2008

Ten miles in an easy negative split. It should have been a piece of cake averaging 7:30 minute miles. However I hadn't factored in the smoke/pollution of Chiang Mai.

At this time of year the Thai's burn their rice paddy fields to get a double crop in. Officially it's illegal, however it's still widespread, so for 2-3 months you get the odd day where the smoke is unbearable up the valley. Today wasn't too bad (I've been running inside on a treadmill on recent days), but I started to feel the effects at mile 6, although probably right from the start. My heartrate was elevated as soon as I started out. It's also getting warmer. But enough of the excuses! I've been doing some core/ab work with a personal trainer over the last two weeks and I'm starting to feel the benefits already. I just need to start doing some more stretching!


Lots of dragon fruit today for breakfast and young coconut water and my usual massive salad served straight out of the serving bowl. I'm just as bad with my smoothies. I drink them straight out of the blender 1.5-2.0L litres!

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