Raw Food Diet and Running

Thursday April 3rd 2008

The mercury is rising. The temperature today nearly touched 100F!

Eight miles in a negative split at roughly marathon pace was the plan.

I decided to run inside in my airconditioned gym. The filters on the units also helps with the pollution.

So I set the treadmill @ the mandatory minimum gradient of 1% and started off at 12.7kph (7 mins 36 secs per mile) and after 4 miles increased the speed to 13.3kph (7 mins 15.5 secs per mile) . The whole run felt relatively easy. Here's the heartrate profile from my Garmin.


Raw Runner Heart Rate


I averaged 149 and max HR was 160. My max HR is 185 and my resting pulse is 45 (last time I checked!). I have got my annual check-up tomorrow. I will be posting my blood work in a week's time or so when I get the results back.


I have drunk plenty of fluids today. It's only 4pm and I've already drunk 2 young coconut juices, 1 litre orange juice, 1/2 litre pineapple & celery juice along with loads of green mango and dragon fruit. In temperatures like today, you have to almost drink continuously to stay hydrated.

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