Raw Food Diet and Running

Sunday April 13th 2008

The London marathon arrived! I made my way to the red start for the 9.45 am start and made a quick call to a friend who was starting with the celebrities! We were originally going to run together (after joining each other after 3-6 miles), but given he was going for another sub 3 hr and I was looking for 3:15 we decided to run at our own pace.

Although allocated pen 6(!), I managed to sneak into pen 4 which was still behind the Runner's World 8 min mile pacers (3:30 finish). I thought they would be ideal for the first mile. As it happens I set off at 7:28 pace and couldn't help myself maintaining 3:10 finish pace. The cooler weather made running almost effortless. All was going well and I was averaging 7:10, 7:20 and even a 6:55 mile. The first 10 miles flew by and as I approached Tower Bridge (just after 12 miles) I noticed my right knee was starting to hurt. I went through 13 miles in 1:35:01 and felt good, bar the niggly pain. Then about another 1/2 mile the pain became sharp and stabbing and I had no choice but to slow down and I looked for a St John's Tent/station which I found at 15 miles. I had decided to pull out (DNF). I didn't want to risk further injury :-(

All I can presume is the pain in my knee was due to my overcompensation in gaitfor the strapped toes and slight discomfort.

After meeting up with family at 17 miles - I walked along with a silver wrap with a marked limp. The new strapping made my gait really odd.

So that was the end of my London marathon for the 3rd year. Here's the data.


In the morning I had a green smoothie of 4 bananas, bok choi & green powder.

For fuel during the race I had 4 medjool dates and one ginger snap Larabar! I only started to eat these once I started walking.



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